Mer­can­det­ti, F. (2023). Excel­lence in Ope­ra­ti­ons. Homo Faber: Do it Bet­ter. media­ta sa: Vil­lars-sur-Glâ­ne. ISBN: 978–2‑8399–3731‑3

A suc­cessful busi­ness must con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve and inno­va­te its­elf. Or in other words, it must always seek excel­lence. This book builds upon the foun­da­ti­ons lear­ned in the first book. It focu­ses on how to focus on pro­vi­ding value to cus­to­mers and making the own pro­ces­ses more effi­ci­ent and effective. 

In the cur­rent world it is not enough to be good. To sur­vi­ve in busi­ness, a com­pa­ny must con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve if not reinvent its­elf, in search of Excel­lence. Which is howe­ver a moving tar­get: the impro­ve­ment effort never ends. This book, desi­gned for uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents, new mana­gers, and young entre­pre­neurs, shows how to lead the jour­ney towards Excel­lence in a prag­ma­tic way. From the focus on cus­to­mers’ needs, becau­se ever­ything that a com­pa­ny does must be ori­en­ted to cus­to­mers and to pro­vi­de value to them. To see­ing the waste in pro­ces­ses and lear­ning which tools help to cha­se and redu­ce it. Rea­li­sing final­ly, that re-engi­nee­ring pro­ces­ses is pos­si­ble in Ope­ra­ti­ons as well as in other func­tions of an Indu­stri­al com­pa­ny, and even in Ser­vice companies.

Table of contents

 1 – Towards Excellence

  2 – Change 

  3 – Cus­to­mer Value 

  4 – Reen­gi­nee­ring in Six Steps 

  5 – Tools to « See » Waste and Value

  6 – Tools for a Bet­ter Organisation 

  7 – Tools for a Bet­ter Flow 

  8 – Imple­men­ta­ti­on: Sim­ply Do It 

  9 – Pro­duc­tion Cases

10 – Non-Pro­duc­tion Cases

About the Author

Fabio Mer­can­det­ti holds a MSc with hono­urs in Che­mical Engi­nee­ring from Poli­tec­ni­co di Tori­no, Ita­ly. He work­ed for 27 years for indu­stri­al mul­ti­na­tio­nals as con­sul­tant and exe­cu­ti­ve, up to the exe­cu­ti­ve board of a quo­ted Swiss mul­ti­na­tio­nal.
He led Ope­ra­ti­ons and Cor­po­ra­te Deve­lo­p­ment, with a pas­si­on for mana­ging and impro­ving busi­ness pro­ces­ses and com­pa­nies. Sin­ce 2011 he is pas­sing his expe­ri­ence of real busi­nesses to youn­ger gene­ra­ti­ons, desig­ning and tea­ching Busi­ness Engi­nee­ring cour­ses at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Arts and Sci­en­ces of Luzern, Switzerland.